April 7 2016

VDI Maintenance Mode Switcher Powershell Script

Problem: VDI Maschinen in unserer Farm werden bei Inaktivität heruntergefahren und nur bei Bedarf gestartet. Dadurch kann es vereinzelt Maschinen geben, die nur sehr selten Online sind. Daher fehlen hier aktuelle Polices, Patches und Softwarepakete.

Lösung: Ich habe ein PowerShell Script geschrieben, welches über den Aufgabenplaner am Wochenende ausgeführt werden kann. Das Script aktiviert/deaktiviert den Maintenance Mode und (neu-)stratet die entsprechenden Maschinen.

Mal sehen ob sich das bewährt… :-)
Dies ist so nebenbei auch mein erstes handgeklöppeltes Powershell Script, für Fehler übernehme ich keine Haftung.


-> get the script <-



    This script enable or disable Maintenance Mode for Citrix VDI machines.
    The script read a static text file with hostnames and enable or disable maintance mode for each machine.
    The script will wait 60 seconds after each machine.
    If a target VDI is powered off it will be started automatically, if a target VDI is powered on it will be restarted if not in use.
.PARAMETER MaintenanceMode
    Specifies if the Maintenance Mode should be switched on or off. Options: Enable, Disable.
    List of target Host names without Domain.
    powershell.exe '.\VDI_MM_Switcher_v1.4.ps1' -MaintenanceMode "Enable" -HostListFile "C:\VDI_MM_Switcher\hosts.txt"
    powershell.exe '.\VDI_MM_Switcher_v1.4.ps1' -MaintenanceMode "Disable" -HostListFile "C:\VDI_MM_Switcher\hosts.txt"
    Change Log
    V1.0 - 05.04.2016 - Manuel Kuss - frist release
    V1.1 - 05.04.2016 - Manuel Kuss - added logging
    V1.3 - 06.04.2016 - Manuel Kuss - added param()
    V1.4 - 07.04.2016 - Manuel Kuss - added SummaryState check



## Load Addins
Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*

## Syntax Checker
If (($MaintenanceMode -eq "") -or ($HostListFile -eq "")) {
    Write-Host "ERROR MISSING PARAMETER`nSyntax: .\VDI_MM_Switcher_v1.4.ps1 -MaintenanceMode `"Enable/Disable`" -HostListFile `"C:\Path\hosts.txt`"" -ForegroundColor Red

## Variables (customize)
$AdminServer = 'hostname.domain.tld'
## Variables
$HostList = Get-Content $HostListFile
$Logfile = "$HostListFile" + "_$MaintenanceMode" + ".log"

## Output
Write-Host "Executing..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$starttime = Get-Date -Format G
write "--------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $Logfile
Write "Script Start Time: $starttime" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
write "--------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $Logfile -Append

## Enable Maintenance Mode Loop ##
if ($MaintenanceMode -eq 'Enable') 
    foreach ($item in $HostList)
            ## Write DOMAIN\HOSTNAME to $TargetVDI
            $TargetVDI = "$ADDomain" + "\" + "$item"
            ## Enable Maintenance Mode
            Write "Enable MaintenanceMode for $TargetVDI" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
            Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -InputObject $TargetVDI $true -adminaddress $AdminServer

            ## Restart if TargetVDI is not in use
            foreach ($item in Get-BrokerDesktop | Where-Object{($_.MachineName -eq "$TargetVDI") -and ($_.PowerState -eq "On") -and ($_.SummaryState -ne "InUse")} | Select-Object -Property MachineName)
                { New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -MachineName $TargetVDI -Action Restart -adminaddress $AdminServer | Out-File $Logfile -Append }

            ## If TargetVDI is powered off
            foreach ($item in Get-BrokerDesktop | Where-Object{($_.MachineName -eq "$TargetVDI") -and ($_.PowerState -eq "Off")} | Select-Object -Property MachineName)
                { New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -MachineName $TargetVDI -Action TurnOn -adminaddress $AdminServer | Out-File $Logfile -Append }
            ## Pause
            Write "--------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
            Start-Sleep 60

## Disable Maintenance Mode Loop ##
if ($MaintenanceMode -eq 'Disable') 
    foreach ($item in $HostList)
            ## Write DOMAIN\HOSTNAME to $TargetVDI
            $TargetVDI = "$ADDomain" + "\" + "$item"
            ## Disable MaintenanceMode
            Write "Disable MaintenanceMode for $TargetVDI" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
            Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -InputObject $TargetVDI $false -adminaddress $AdminServer
            ## Restart if TargetVDI is not in use
            foreach ($item in Get-BrokerDesktop | Where-Object{($_.MachineName -eq "$TargetVDI") -and ($_.PowerState -eq "On") -and ($_.SummaryState -ne "InUse")} | Select-Object -Property MachineName)
                { New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -MachineName $TargetVDI -Action Restart -adminaddress $AdminServer | Out-File $Logfile -Append }
            ## Pause
            Write "--------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
            Start-Sleep 60

## Output
$endtime = Get-Date -Format G
Write "Script End Time: $endtime" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
write "--------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $Logfile -Append
Write-Host "Script Execuded." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Veröffentlicht04.07.2016 von kaosdll in Kategorie "ConfigMgr", "Powershell", "Virtualization", "VMware ESX

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